The Malignant Ginger
My art and music projects have been a bit quiet for the last 10 months hence no new updates on my website. The reason being is that I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May 2014 and have been receiving treatment (chemotherapy, surgery then radiotherapy). I was given the all clear in November 2014. Unfortunately I found out in early January 2015 that the cancer has returned and now spread to my liver. Not only is it a different type of cancer to the original one but it is now Stage IV and considered incurable. I have been documenting the highs and lows of my diagnosis over at The Malignant Ginger. For the full in depth story of what has happened over the past 10 months, check out the following blog posts that pretty much explain it all to date:
The theme park from hell (what it feels like to be diagnosed with cancer twice at the age of 31)
Return of the Jedi. Did I say Jedi? No whoops I meant cancer
It’s a rather interesting experience going through cancer as a creative person and I feel I have rather a unique perspective which I have tried to portray through The Malignant Ginger blog. I have managed bits of creativity here and there including my Skull-pulp-ture project and I have more ideas in the pipeline so watch this space…
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