Today I visited Birdworld in Farnham. It was an excellent day filled with lots of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians and I thoroughly recommend going if you enjoy bothering creatures, although there seemed to be rather a few angry birds at Birdworld. I can only assume they were pissed off at being cooped up in cages.
2013-05-25 15.08.15
Ginger labia faced chicken
Gobble gobble
Amazing turkey plumage
Labia face turkey
Goat in bucket
Amazeballs ginger goat
This little guy was my favourite. I petted him for 27.6947 minutes till he started chewing on my pleather jacket.
Skeksie from the Dark Crystal
He was giving me evils
Elephant bird egg weighing 12kg, probably the largest egg ever laid by a bird. You would actually need a real live soldier to dip into that.
Awesome tree of awesomeness
Stalks on stalks
They have tortoises at Birdworld too and for some reason the tortoises get loads more room to roam around in, even though they must be at least 1048463936 mph slower than a bird.
They have tortoises at Birdworld too and for some reason the tortoises get loads more room to roam around in, even though they must be at least 1048463936 mph slower than a bird.
Spiky angry bird
Canaries hitting the roof
This bird has pink eye.
Bum eggs
This birdie was very cute and moved like he was in slow motion
We got to feed them special mummified worms and they pecked our fingers
Amazing vulture showing his bird penis to the world.
Amazing vulture showing his bird penis to the world.
Thank there were no children around, he was about toddler eye height.
This birdie took a shine to Mums boots and pecked them till her feet bleed.
Beautiful colours, love a bit of orange and blue
Nicole Richie
He was a cheery chap and I swear he kept tweeting ‘help meeeee set me freeeeee’
This dude was another angry bird
Angry bird.
Psychedelic tree thing spinning
Psychedelic tree thing
Evil black swan coming to peck my eyes out
One legged tall pink birds
Angry parrot says cheese
Shelf of owls
Pingu and I
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