Appletree cottage and other small constructions
As a child I was fascinated with small scale versions of buildings and household objects. I would make tiny furniture and food out of modelling clay and scour car boots for tiny items to add to my collection. Miniature perfumes would make good bourbon bottles for my alcoholic trolls, stacked matchboxes would become a chest of drawers…. I even fashioned my very own small scale den under the desk in my bedroom for my favourite toys ‘Willyboy’ and ‘Troll’ to live in.
I had kind of forgotten about the den under my desk until today when I visited one of my mums friends. After a cup of tea she took me into the ‘secret’ area of her garden where she had built a tiny wendy house for her grandchildren. I was actually quite amazed at her meticulous attention to detail and craftsmanship, there were tiny tea towels made from muslin, a tiny tap made from some kind of nut/bolt, tiny cushions and curtains and a tiny tea set. Best of all, it was all colour coordinated and looked like something out an interior design magazine!
Perhaps it is a minimalists rebellion against the recession or maybe just a love of all things small and crafted… I don’t know, but it makes me want to start collecting tiny things again!
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