Buried treasure (and antique carrier bags) from 1991

So I spent the best part of the afternoon digging a trench in my mums garden. Having decided to base my next project on nostalgia, I have been thinking about various memories from childhood and what triggers them. As a child I remember having an obsession with buried treasure and I used to enjoy making ‘time capsules’ (probably inspired by Blue Peter) to bury in the back garden. I have a vivid memory of burying one of these ‘time capsules’ under the rhododendron bushes down the side of the house, I must have only been about 8.

To my knowledge it was never discovered by my parents and to this day I have always wondered if it was still there.゠From my recollection, I remember that it contained felt tip pens, a colouring book, a letter to the ‘finder’, a toy car (probably my brothers), some plastic beads and various other bits of tat that I can’t quite remember, all encased in a dustbin bag.

After a few hours of crawling through the bushes on all fours clawing at the ground with a spade and my hands, my search was rendered fruitless. However, much to my delight, I did mange to find two ‘vintage’ Sainsbury’s carrier bags (circa 1988 perhaps?) and a rotting ‘Frisps’ packet, which makes me wonder… whatever did happen to Frisps?


Dappled sunlight through tree

Digging for treasure

Digging for treasure

Dirty filthy fruitless hand

Dirty filthy fruitless hand

From the trench

From the trench

Fruitless digging

Fruitless digging

Nothing but litter

Nothing but litter

Sad reflection

Sad reflection

Shed window

Shed window

Snail orgy

Snail orgy

Sunlight from the trench

Sunlight from the trench

Vintage Frisps packet

Vintage Frisps packet

Vintage Sainsbury plastic bag

Vintage Sainsbury plastic bag

White O

White O






One response to “Buried treasure (and antique carrier bags) from 1991”

  1. Giles says:

    Nice write up, when was the Frisp packet from?

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