Painting with light workshop with Alex May

I recently partook in a great work shop on video mapping with the very talented artist, programmer, creative technologist and more, Alex May. He was showing his new free software ‘Painting with Light‘ that he has developed and launched as part of Brighton Digital Festival.

Working with a friend we ended up creating an Inception style dream within a dream projection where we filmed each other, imported and edited the films using Alex’s software then projected it, then filmed the projection and edited it again, adding to what we had already done, then projected it, and so on and so forth! Here is the end result of doing this about 5 or 6 times:

And here are some still images of ours and other peoples projections from the workshop:

2012-10-04 15.13.52 2012-10-04 15.14.06 2012-10-04 15.49.39 2012-10-04 15.50.02 2012-10-04 15.53.05 2012-10-04 15.56.35 2012-10-04 16.00.31 2012-10-04 16.01.07 2012-10-04 16.09.20




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