Weird and wonderful items for sale at Mytchett car boot sale
I love car boot sales. They are such a refreshing change from the monotonous dull grey tedium of the shopping centres. Saying that, they are slowly becoming full up with cheap badly made cast offs from Primark and George at Asda which I find thoroughly depressing and symbolic of the throwaway culture we now live in.
My strategy at the car boot is to go for stalls that are run by old people, they always have more interesting and often vintage items for sale. I find it rather amusing how random and bizarre some of the objects are, things just aren’t made the same now, it’s all about cheap plastic repetitiveness, that makes me sad.
Here is a collection of some of the random items I found at Mytchett car boot sale on the weekend. I did end up purchasing 2 of them, I wonder if anyone can guess which ones?!

Everyone needs a hedgehog baby.

Two toddlers one cup. I have no idea what the hell on earth is going on in this diagram.

They have strange shaped knifes at Mytchett car boot.

Pre computer device.

Shep, my autiobiography. I have no clue who David Shepherd is but from his attire, I’m going to assume that he is some sort of famous butcher.

Rubber alien face frisbee that I appear to be allergic to (my face is swollen and itchy after wearing it like a mask for a couple of minutes).
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